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What are PCT steroids?

What are PCT steroids

During a regular anabolic steroid cycle, the body goes through extreme hormonal shifts. Steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone-to say nothing of the fact that as you start filling your system with these steroidal compounds, your body’s natural testosterone production is going to dwindle or completely shut off. Your levels are going to be low upon cessation, which can result in a number of undesirable side effects.

Some Side Effects Are

Suppressed Testosterone: AS suppress your normal and natural testosterone production within your body. Without PCT, it would take months for the body to get back to the regular secretion of testosterone that creates symptoms of fatigue, loss of libido, depression, and muscle loss.

  • Estrogen Dominance: Most steroids have an aromatization effect; that is, they convert testosterone into estrogen. So, when you come off a cycle, the resulting low testosterone and elevated estrogen can cause Gynecomastia or male breast development, water retention, and fat accumulation.
  • Muscle wasting: In the absence of proper hormonal balance, the muscle mass that could have been gained by you in the steroid cycle itself starts breaking down. The body may start entering a catabolic state where it breaks down muscle for energy.
  • Psychological and Emotional Effects: Reduction of testosterone levels, coupled with an increase in estrogen levels, can get a person into mood swings, irritability, depression, and other mental disturbances. For this reason, PCT is not only necessary to regain physiological balance, but it is also needed for the sake of mental health.

Key Components of PCT

It involves the use of certain compounds that help in resetting one’s body for natural testosterone production and keeping estrogen at bay. Let’s dive into some of the most utilized medications in PCT protocols.


Clomiphene Citrate is classified as a SERM and favors either LH and FSH; both are important in natural testosterone production. Taken daily, usually starting higher dosages with a taper due to a period of weeks, this can get your body’s own testosterone production going, rather than exogenous from a steroid cycle.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)

Nolvadex is another popular SERM utilized in PCT. Although similar in function to Clomid, stimulating LH and FSH, Nolvadex serves more powerfully to block estrogen receptors, thus helping to prevent estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia. It is usually stacked with the above-mentioned medication, Clomid, in a PCT protocol for optimal recovery.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG

HCG works by mimicking the luteinizing hormone. This naturally increases the stimulation of the testicles to produce more testosterone. It becomes of particular help at those times when one is coming off long steroid cycles and testosterone production may be suppressed a lot. Generally, HCG is employed during the first weeks of PCT for “jump starting” testosterone production.

Timing: When to start PCT

Timing is the most crucial factor that is going to get in the way of your PCT’s success. The start date of your PCT depends upon the kind of steroids used in your cycle:

  • Orals, such as Dianabol and Winstrol: begin PCT 1-2 days after the last dosage. The half-life of orals is small, and life will get rid of them in a very short period.
  • Injectable Steroids with Short Esters Testosterone Propionate: PCT should start 3-5 days following your last administration.
  • Injectable Steroids with Long Esters: Testosterone Enanthate, Deca-Durabolin, etc.: One can start PCT after roughly 10-14 days from the last injection.

Side Effects of Skipped PCT

Some undesirable consequences of skipping PCT or following an incomplete protocol are:

  • Muscle Mass Loss: Unless the body is well supported with hormones, there is a probability that your body will enter a catabolic state and start to degrade all the muscular tissues.
  • Permanent testosterone suppression: When natural production is not restarted, which gives rise to much long-term suffering, such as hypogonadism or low testosterone levels that make a person suffer under bad moods, low libido, and low energy.
  • Gynecomastia and Water Retention: Too high levels of estrogen bear all chances of initiating some very discomforting and unsightly side effects, such as developing breast tissue along with water retention.
  • Psychological Effects: Depression, anxiety, and irritability might also commonly take hold as the body is in war to balance the concentration of hormones in the body after the cycle.

Supplements That Would Aid PCT 

In addition to medications, which are a foundation of PCT, there are several additional supplements to assist in recovery: 

  • Zinc and Magnesium: These minerals are highly important to produce testosterone and balance hormones in the human body. 
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Quite simply, omega-3s support heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote hormonal balance. 
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D has been put forward as enabling the production of testosterone and ensuring immune function. 
  • Liver Support Supplements: If you have taken oral steroids, then liver detoxification can be supported with the use of supplements, such as milk thistle or NAC. 


PCT is that very important, critical stage in the cycle of anabolic steroids that is needed for your body to regain its natural testosterone production and avoid the development of unwanted side effects, such as loss of muscles, estrogen dominance, and other serious health issues in the long run. 

Knowing the importance of PCT, using appropriate compounds, and following a structured plan definitely will help you to retain gains and keep your health in order. 

If you want to begin or optimize your PCT, and you are in need of professional-grade PCT products combined with professional advice, then consider Anabolic Store as your destination. 

You can choose between a wide array of supplements, steroids, and medications for PCT intended for your bodybuilding and fitness journey available at Anabolic Store.

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