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What is Boldenone Undecylenate Used For?

What is Boldenone Undecylenate Used For

Boldenone Undecylenate is more known under its trade name “Equipoise” or EQ and is a very popular injectable anabolic steroid in bodybuilding and performance worlds. The main purpose of its use is to cause an increase in the athlete or bodybuilder to reach steady muscle growth with an increase in endurance but without extreme side effects.

Our article is going to discuss the uses of Boldenone Undecylenate, its advantages, and dosage, and compare it against other steroids.

What is Boldenone Undecylenate?

Lean Muscle Gains

One of the major reasons athletes and bodybuilders take Boldenone Undecylenate is to promote lean muscle growth. Unlike other types of anabolic steroids, which indirectly lead to extreme water retention and bloating, Boldenone provides slow yet steady muscle gains. This, in turn, turns it into an ideal option for all those who seek quality muscle growth without turgid weight changes.

Generally, with longer cycles, there is a longer-term lean body mass gain. Boldenone works through increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis-two of the key variables that can stimulate muscle growth. General dosages range from 400mg to 600mg per week, with minimal additional benefits at higher doses beyond this range​

Understand How Long Does Boldenone Stay in your System?

Red Blood Cell Production Is Enhanced

One of the major plus sides to taking Boldenone is its action on red blood cell creation. The steroid increases the number of red blood cells, improving oxygenation of muscles at times of workout. This leads to enhanced endurance and stamina, allowing athletes to train harder and recover more quickly between sessions​.

This is why Boldenone is favored by endurance athletes, like runners and cyclists, because of its ability to improve oxygen delivery. In bodybuilding, better oxygenation pertains to longer and more intense training sessions, which in other words may mean easily pushing out the plateaus.

Appetite Stimulation

It is notorious for stimulating one’s appetite, both good and bad depending on what you’re trying to achieve. During bulking, it makes it that much easier to take in the calories required when building muscle tissue. However, it may turn out to be quite a disadvantage if one is on a cutting cycle or looking to monitor food intake.

Suited for Bulking and Cutting Cycles

Boldenone is versatile enough to be taken for bulking and cutting cycles. As a matter of fact, it provides good lean mass gains during bulking cycles and enhances strength. In cutting cycles, it helps with conserving muscle mass while getting rid of fat. In any case, Boldenone results are visible over a long period, and this is why cycles should last up to 12 to 16 weeks​.

How Does Boldenone Stack Up With Other Steroids?

Boldenone vs Trenbolone

Boldenone is very often compared with more powerful anabolic steroids, such as Trenbolone. Though Trenbolone is much more powerful, allowing rapid development of muscle bulk and fat burning, it also guarantees a higher number and severity of side effects: night sweats and increased aggressiveness are bad enough, but a serious strike at cardiovascular health​ is ensured.

It is preferred by advanced users who need a powerful anabolic that will help them realize quick gains; on the other hand, Boldenone retains fewer risks and is preferred by those interested in gradual quality gains.

Another similarity Trenbolone shares with Boldenone is that it does not cause any water retention. Its anabolic-androgenic ratio, however, is incomparably higher; thus as a whole, Trenbolone is a much stronger steroid. 

Because of the powerful nature of this drug, the cycles for Trenbolone are pretty short in nature, whereas Boldenone would be taken for much longer and more gradual cycles.

Boldenone is a chemical cousin of testosterone, with a slight modification reducing its androgenic effects. Thus, it is a more moderate option that results in fewer estrogenic side effects, such as water retention and gynecomastia. In users who are sensitive to the aromatizing effects of testosterone, it offers a workable alternative that still supports muscle growth and endurance​.

Dosage and Cycles

It is common to use Boldenone Undecylenate in intramuscular injections once a week for effective results. The usual dosage of this drug for male bodybuilders and sportsmen is 400mg-600mg per week. For female athletes, the dosage is 50mg-100mg per week to avoid virilization, which is the development of male characteristics.

Cycles of it usually last from 12 to 16 weeks because of its long half-life, which enables Boldenone to give slow and steady results over a period of time. Most users stack Boldenone with other anabolic steroids, including testosterone, to enhance muscle-building effects while minimizing potential side effects like suppressed natural testosterone production​.

Possible Side Effects 

Though considered one of the milder anabolic steroids, Boldenone still does come along with a variety of potential side effects. These can include : 

  • Mild estrogenic effects: Boldenone can be aromatized to estrogen, but the conversion rate is much lower when compared to testosterone. As such, water retention and gynecomastia remain possible, although at a significantly lower risk when compared to that associated with more potent anabolic steroids. 
  • Increased appetite: While this is good during bulking, this might be a nightmare during the cuts. 
  • Suppressed natural testosterone production: As with all other anabolic steroids, Boldenone suppresses natural testosterone production in the body; hence, PCT is of utmost importance if this hormone level needs to return to normalcy again​. The most useful PCTs are Clomid and Nolvadex


If you want to buy Boldenone for sale in the UK, then you will want to make sure this is through a reputable provider. Anasbolic Store is your trusted supplier of high-grade Boldenone and other performance-enhancing products as well. 

Our motto is about quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. Whether bulking, cutting, or in pursuit of better performance, we have the products that cater to your fitness needs. 

Pay a visit to Anasbolic Store today and browse through our variety of steroids for performance enhancement in order to find the right fit for your needs.

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